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Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English - surrender


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~1 v 1 to say officially that you want to stop fighting because you realize that you cannot win  (The terrorists were given ten minutes to surrender. | surrender to sb)  (The unit was forced to surrender to the enemy.) 2 surrender to sth to allow yourself to be controlled or influenced by something  (Colette surrendered to temptation and took out a cigarette.) 3 to give your soldiers or land to an enemy after they have beaten you in a battle  (The General had to surrender his troops.) 4 to give up something that is important or necessary, often because you feel forced to  (Critics feel that Boyer has surrendered his artistic identity in his later films.) 5 formal to give something such as a ticket or a passport to an official  (surrender sth to sb)  (The court ordered Bond to surrender his passport to the authorities.) ~2 n 1 the act of saying officially that you want to stop fighting because you realize that you cannot win  (unconditional surrender (=act of accepting total defeat)) 2 the act of allowing yourself to be controlled or influenced by something  (a surrender to the forces of evil)
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  (surrenders, surrendering, surrendered) Frequency: The word is one of the 3000 most common words in English. 1. If you surrender, you stop fighting or resisting someone and agree that you have been beaten. General Martin Bonnet called on the rebels to surrender... She surrendered to the police in London last December. VERB: V, V to n • Surrender is also a noun. ...the government’s apparent surrender to demands made by the religious militants. N-VAR: oft N to n 2. If you surrender something you would rather keep, you give it up or let someone else have it, for example after a struggle. Nadja had to fill out forms surrendering all rights to her property... VERB: V n • Surrender is also a noun. ...the sixteen-day deadline for the surrender of weapons and ammunition. N-UNCOUNT: usu N of n 3. If you surrender something such as a ticket or your passport, you give it to someone in authority when they ask you to. (FORMAL) They have been ordered to surrender their passports. VERB: V n ...
Collins COBUILD Advanced Learner's English Dictionary
   I. verb  (-dered; ~ing)  Etymology: Middle English surrendren, from surrendre, noun  Date: 15th century  transitive verb  1.  a. to yield to the power, control, or possession of another upon compulsion or demand ~ed the fort  b. to give up completely or agree to forgo especially in favor of another  2.  a. to give (oneself) up into the power of another especially as a prisoner  b. to give (oneself) over to something (as an influence)  intransitive verb to give oneself up into the power of another ; yield  Synonyms: see relinquish  II. noun  Etymology: Middle English surrendre, from Anglo-French, from surrendre, susrendre to relinquish, from sur- & sus-, suz under + rendre to give back — more at render, sous  Date: 15th century  1.  a. the action of yielding one's person or giving up the possession of something especially into the power of another  b. the relinquishment by a patentee of rights or claims under a patent  c. the delivery of a principal into lawful custody by bail — called also ~ by bail  d. the voluntary cancellation of the legal liability of an insurance company by the insured and beneficiary for a consideration  e. the delivery of a fugitive from justice by one government to another  2. an instance of ~ing ...
Merriam-Webster Collegiate Dictionary
  v. & n. --v. 1 tr. hand over; relinquish possession of, esp. on compulsion or demand; give into another's power or control. 2 intr. a accept an enemy's demand for submission. b give oneself up; cease from resistance; submit. 3 intr. & refl. (foll. by to) give oneself over to a habit, emotion, influence, etc. 4 tr. give up rights under (a life-insurance policy) in return for a smaller sum received immediately. 5 tr. give up (a lease) before its expiry. 6 tr. abandon (hope etc.). --n. the act or an instance of surrendering. Phrases and idioms surrender to bail duly appear in a lawcourt after release on bail. surrender value the amount payable to one who surrenders a life-insurance policy. Etymology: ME f. AF f. OF surrendre (as SUR-(1), RENDER) ...
Толковый словарь английского языка Oxford English Reference
  1) капитуляция 2) отказ 3) сдавать 4) сдача 5) уступать ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский научно-технический словарь
  1. сущ. 1) страх. отказ 2) передача 3) сдача 4) вручение 5) выдача 6) уступка • - cash surrender value - surrender of property - surrender value 2. гл. 1) отказываться 2) сдавать 3) передавать, вручать 4) уступать 5) сдавать часть произведенной продукции государству по твердой цене - surrender a lease SURRENDER отказ, уступка; отказываться, уступать – to surrender a patent – to surrender a right – surrender of patent – partial surrender ...
Англо-русский Русско-английский экономический словарь
  1. сдача; капитуляция surrender at discretion —- воен. безоговорочная капитуляция the surrender of a fort —- сдача крепости to demand the surrender of fire-arms —- воен. потребовать сдачи огнестрельного оружия the surrender of documents —- передача (сдача) документов a complete surrender of self to art —- беззаветная преданность искусству 2. выдача (преступника одним государством другому) 3. отказ (от чего-л.) to make surrender of principle(s) —- отказаться от своих принципов 4. юр. уступка; отказ (от права) surrender value —- сумма, возвращаемая лицу, отказавшемуся от страхового полиса 5. юр. признание себя несостоятельным должником 6. явка с повинной 7. сдавать to surrender a fortress to the enemy —- сдать крепость врагу 8. сдаваться to surrender at discretion —- воен. сдаваться на милость победителя I surrender! —- (я) сдаюсь! he surrendered (himself) to justice —- он отдал себя в руки правосудия we advised the hijackers to surrender (themselves) to the police —- мы предложили воздушным пиратам сдаться полиции 9. отказываться (от чего-л.) to surrender hope —- отказываться от надежды, оставить надежду to surrender all hope of smth. —- оставить (потерять) всякую надежду на что-л. to surrender one's right to smb. —- отказываться от своего права в чью-л. пользу we shall surrender our liberty to no one —- мы никому не отдадим нашей свободы to surrender one's office —-...
Новый большой англо-русский словарь
   1. noun  1) сдача; капитуляция  2) отказ (от чего-л.)  3) attr. surrender value - сумма, возвращаемая лицу, отказавшемуся от страхового полиса  2. v.  1) сдавать(ся); to surrender at discretion - сдаваться на милость победителя  2) уступать, подчиняться; to surrender ones bail - явиться в срок, будучи отпущенным на поруки  3) usu. refl. поддаваться, предаваться; to surrender (oneself) to despair - впасть в отчаяние; to surrender (oneself) over to smb. s influence - подпасть под чье-л. влияние  4) отказываться; to surrender hope - отказываться от надежды; to surrender a right - отказываться от права Syn: see relinquish SURRENDER at discretion безоговорочно сдаться на милость победителя SURRENDER to ones bail явиться в суд в назначенный срок (о выпущенном на поруки) ...
Англо-русский словарь
  - 1441, "to give (something) up," from O.Fr. surrendre "give up, deliver over," from sur- "over" + rendre "give back." Reflexive sense of "to give oneself up" (especially as a prisoner) is from 1585. ...
Английский Этимологический словарь


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